Making New Friends

As mentioned in my recent blog – while we were at Musango Safari Camp on a familiarisation stay, we met a group of bikers who had ridden all the way up from South Africa on back roads under the expert guidance of Mark and Treffon of Khwela Adventures.

Sadly, the guys were on a very tight schedule, and were only able to stay at Musango for 1 night and Steve and Wendy, who own and manage Musango, ensured they had a lovely time, with a sunset cruise organised that evening, before dinner was served out under the stars overlooking Lake Kariba.
The next morning the guys just had time for a quick look around Musango’s fossil museum before they were taken by pontoon boat back across to the mainland to collect their bikes. Musango had very kindly organised a guard to look after the bikes and fuel to fill them up for the next leg of their trip and soon they were off on the back road around the lake, what an adventure! We, at Heartveld Adventures were able to assist them with accommodation when they arrived in Kariba town a couple of days later. It was great to catch up with the guys and hear all their recent war stories of falls and close elephant sightings, to name but a few.

Khwela Adventures was set up in 2010 by friends Mark and Treffon, it originated with the idea of getting a group of like-minded bikers to travel up to Zimbabwe on about a 10 day trip to see a bit of our beautiful country. The aim was to do all this on the less travelled back roads, and so the ‘Zim Gravel Travel’ tour was born! Mark plans the route and tracking, while Treffon takes care of all the logistics – they make a great team. The ‘Zim Gravel Travel’ tour is organised annually, usually taking place in July.

If you have any mates that live in South Africa and are bike mad, with a need for adventure, I can highly recommend getting in touch with Mark and Treffon of Khwela Adventures to join in their next tour.

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