Brief description
You are harnessed in a seated position (unlike bungee where you are attached at the ankles) and jump off a platform, free falling approx 70m before the rope becomes tight swinging you in a long pendulum arc.
Daily – Between 09h00 -12h00 & 14h00-16h00
Roughly an hour in total when taking into consideration time it takes for the safely talk and harnessing up.
Additional Info
Minimum age of 6 years old, with a maximum weight restriction of 140kgs.
US$105 (solo) / US$ 158 (tandem) / Children 6-11 years old Half Price.
Includes: Includes transfers from most hotels/accommodation.
Excludes: US$3 National Parks fee per person
**Please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the details and prices supplied above are correct, we cannot be held responsible in any way should any item/price be miss quoted.

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Package Deals
For package deals that include accommodation, as well as other lodges, activities and annual event participation in and around Save Valley Conservancy.