Gonarezhou literally means ‘The Place of Elephants” which is a most suitable name considering this park has an estimated elephant population of 11,000! These particular elephants have always had a reputation for being extra cheeky. Being sited on the border the elephants have been exposed to extended years of poaching due to over the border raids from Mozambique and South Africa but these have subsided and as a result we have noticed in recent years that the elephants have started calming down. However, we do advise still giving these creatures a lot of space when you cross paths with them.
Gonarezhou is located in the south-east of Zimbabwe, on the border with Mozambique. The 5,035 km² park is the second largest national park in Zimbabwe, and was established in 1934 as a game reserve and proclaimed as a national park in 1975. It forms an integral part of one of the largest conservation areas in the world – the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP – established in 2002), which joins some of the most iconic national parks of Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa in together to form a conservation area covering some 35,000 km².
Gonarezhou has some of the most diverse landscape in Zimbabwe, with the iconic Chilojo cliffs being carved out of sandstone over many many years. There is an impressive 89 species of mammals, 400 bird species, 61 small mammals and insectivores and 50 fish species found in the park.
Gonarezhou National Park has many different types of accommodation available:
1. Developed Camp Sites
- Chipinda Pools
- Mabalauta
- Chinguli
Providing: –
-Ablutions, water, shade, attendant.
-Max 6 people per site, two vehicles.
2. Exclusive Camp Sites
- Directors
- Chilojo 1
- Chilojo 2
- Hlaro
- Chitove
- Machaniwa
- Chamalavati
Providing: –
Long-drop toilet and firepit.
All litter to be removed, (bags provided from reception).
Wood to be purchased at Park entrance or collection points.
Max 12 people, 3 vehicles. Min. charge covers 6 people.
3. Wilderness Sites
- Chivilila
- Runde Gorge
- Fishans
- Bopomela
- Lisoda
- Pokwe
- Gayiseni
- Gorwe
- Rossi Pools
- Malilangani
- Nyavaskana
Providing: –
-Long-drop Toilet & Firepit.
-All litter to be removed, (bags -provided from reception).
-Wood to be purchased at Park entrance or collection points.
-Max 12 people and 3 vehicles. -Min Charge covers 3 people
4. Transit Sites
- Guluweni
- Tondo
- Mutamagwenzi
Providing: –
-For larger 4×4 groups.
-Max stay 2 nights.
-Max. of 5 vehicles.
5. Platform
- Malugwe
- Benji
Providing: –
-Long-drop toilet and braai site.
-All litter to be removed, (bags provided from reception).
-Wood to be purchased at Park entrance or collection points.
-Max 6 people, 2 vehicles. Min. charge covers 3 people.
6. Bushcamps
- Chilojo Bush Camp
Providing: –
-5 en-suite safari tents, all bedding, linen, fully equipped kitchen and min. 2 camp attendants.
-Self-drive & Self-catering bookings only confirmed 60 days prior; min. 6 pax (3 tents) for 4 nights.
7. Tented Camp
- Chipinda Pools
Providing: –
-4 tents (4 x 2 bed – option for two additional stretcher beds).
-Solar geyser, lights and fridge/freezer and gas stove.
-Fully equipped kitchen with gas stove.
8. Chalets
- Swimuwini
Providing: –
-6 x 2-bedroomed (4-bed) chalets.
-2 x 1-bedroom chalets.
-Solar geyser, lights and fridge/freezer and gas stove.
-Fully equipped kitchen with gas stove.
9. Mananga Camp
- Masasani
- Mathuli
- Makonde
Providing: –
-4 x 1-bedroom units with 1 central shared kitchen and dining area.
-Exclusively booked only, minimum booking of 2 units for 3 nights
-Solar geyser, lights and fridge/freezer and gas stove.
Fully equipped kitchen with gas stove.

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For package deals that include accommodation, as well as other lodges, activities and annual event participation in and around Save Valley Conservancy.