Froggy Farm Eco-Cabin

Froggy Farm Eco Cabin is a brand new luxury self-catering cabin located on the well known Froggy Farm Estate in Juliasdale, near Nyanga. The cabin has been painstakingly thought out and beautifully built, in amongst the natural rocks and fauna and flora of the area. The luxury cabin is situated on the edge of a […]
Aberfoyle Lodge

For those of you who have never been to the Honde Valley, and Aberfoyle Lodge in particular, you have no idea what you are missing! Honde Valley is known for its rolling hills, avocado and banana plantations, and the beautiful green Eastern Highlands Tea Plantation. Aberfoyle was initially built in 1960 as a Club for […]
Far & Wide Accommodation Options

Far & Wide is a family owned and run business, close to Nyanga based near the Mutarazi Falls, one of Zimbabwe’s iconic waterfalls. As well as the ever-popular activities they offer, Far & Wide also has various accommodation options, have a look below to find the one most suitable for you: MUTARAZI COTTAGES Three luxury […]