Brief description
You are harnessed in a seated position (unlike bungee where you are attached at the ankles) and jump off a platform, free falling approx 70m before the rope becomes tight swinging you in a long pendulum arc.
Daily- Between 09h00 – 16h30 (Closed between 13h00 – 14h00).
Roughly an hour and a half as you have to walk down to the bridge, sign in, harness up and then walk back across the bridge after the activity.
Additional Info
Minimum age of 14 years old. There is also a minimum weight of 40kgs.
US$ 168 (solo) | US$ 263 (tandem).
Excludes: does not include transfers unless you catch the Bungee Bus from Shearwater Café to the bridge at 10h00 and 14h00 (Zimbabwe only).
**Please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the details and prices supplied above are correct, we cannot be held responsible in any way should any item/price be miss quoted.

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For package deals that include accommodation, as well as other lodges, activities and annual event participation in and around Save Valley Conservancy.