A Beautiful Life

There is something about Lake Kariba that cannot be explained to a person who has not visited – it just has to be experienced.

Woody and I cannot believe our good fortune to be living in such a stunning place, sometimes we have to pinch ourselves just to make sure it’s not a dream. But like living anywhere, you can end up taking it for granted. So, we try to make sure that we do not do this and regularly take drives over the weekend to find pretty spots where we can enjoy a relaxing picnic.

As I have mentioned previously in one of my blogs, we really like one of the points a little way out of town which overlooks the lake. We recently took our dogs out for a drive to this site, and enjoyed a lovely afternoon watching the birdlife. We were privileged enough to have a mating pair of Fish Eagles in a tree directly behind us. Interestingly, when the one Fish Eagle flew off, all the water birds that had been on the lake shore panicked and also flew off in a huge mixed flock. I don’t know if a Fish Eagle would attack another bird, but the water fowl sure weren’t taking any chances.

Towards late afternoon the distant sound of kapenta (sardine like fish) rigs could be heard and then seen chugging past. The resident pod of hippopotami (hippos) are used to the sound and it didn’t bother them, as they got ready to come out of the water  for the night to graze along the shoreline.

When all the baboons started heading up the power lines for safety from the lions and leopards that have been spotted in our area, we knew it was also time for us to call it a day.

But oh, what a relaxing and rejuvenating way to have spent a Sunday afternoon, it certainly gave us the get up and go to tackle the week ahead!

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