Showing off Kariba to our Zambian friends

As most of you who have been following our ever changing lives will be aware, we lived in Zambia for a few years, and have only recently moved back to Zimbabwe.  While in Zambia, we were privileged to meet many amazing people, with lives in some ways very different to ours and in others not so different at all.  Some of these people become close friends, whom we cherish to this very day.  Towards the end of last year we got the opportunity to share our new home in Kariba with one of these families, over a long half-term weekend break.

They were pleasantly surprised at just how close the Kariba border post is from Lusaka. The dam wall border is only about two and a half hours from the Zambian capital.  They had a pleasant, uneventful and scenic drive arriving in high spirits.  No sooner had they arrived, than we got a visit from one of the resident Zebra herds (in actual fact called a dazzle of zebra’s, not a herd!).  It was during the very dry season, so we opened the gate to let them graze on the verdant green lawn and have a cool drink of water.  We never interfere with them and they never interfere with us and what a lovely welcome for the Zambians!

Next morning we all headed off to the ‘Super Tube’  at Carribea Bay Resort.  The kids had been dying to go as they had heard about it from their mom, who had herself been down it when their family visited in the 80’s.  It has been newly re-painted and we were lucky enough to be the only ones there. So the kids went up and down to their hearts content.  Boy did they have a fun time, so much so that even the adults couldn’t resist and took turns having a go!  While we were there another family arrived by boat, which is a popular way for locals who are staying at various lodges to get to the Super Tube.  There is a safe beach conveniently located directly in front of the amusement area, but you DO have to be watchful for hippopotomi.

The following day we took everyone to the Kariba Bream Farm to try their hand at fishing.  Stick rods and bait are available at the entrance gate and you also have the option to take your catch home with you at the end of the day, you just pay for what you have caught per kg. Of course there was a “girls vs boys” competition and as always (I might be slightly biased here) the girls won!  There were some great catches throughout the day and it was so nice to see even the older teenagers getting stuck in.  “Us” older folks enjoyed just relaxing under the tree’s in the shade, sharing a picnic lunch over cold drinks.

No trip to Kariba would be complete with a drive out to one of the points for sun downers.  We drove past the crocodile farm and the teenagers (as only teenagers can be) were fascinated by the huge crocodiles seen through the fence line.  Personally, I am not a fan and keep well away from them.  We had a beautiful view of the lake and the setting sun, it felt like a fitting end to a lovely weekend of sharing “our” Kariba with Zambian friends.  They had such a great time and have promised to come back soon.

(Photo credit must be given to Robyn Sherriff for the breath-taking photos she took on this trip, and very happily let me share.)

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